Its Proven. Email is still the best Advertising!

Email Marketing has been a long time source for advertising. Although, many of the modern minds have questioned its power. Trust me, I use it every day and when it is used correctly, email is by far still one of the best ways to market your business or organization.
I am not talking about sending a mass email with a picture of your product and and a bright red sign that says "Only $14.99!". I am talking about a whole new way to use email. In this day and age, email is best used to inform, educate and inspire your consumer. This will bring you recognition as a company or organization and in turn will plant your name in their heads when or if they need your services. This may sound like a soft approach but the statistics say otherwise.Entrepreneur magazine, Forbes and many other business savvy institutions recognize the power of email.According to's statistics, email generates 50% more in Sales!
Great! Email works, but how do I use it?
newsletter-2123481__340The best ways to use email for your marketing is to constantly stay in touch with your customer. I utilize a Company Email Newsletter mailed out every month. I also use a Blog to write my Content and build SEO. Then I marry those with a strong Social Media strategy. You want to serve them, inform them and even inspire them.
The Modern age of Marketing is not about a hard sell, its about a relationship with your customers.


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